Metformin prescription leaves me confounded

  • I'm 25 next month and recently discovered I have a testosterone imbalance. I never had any serious health issues until I turned 20 and was diagnosed with a hot nodule on my thyroid (2 cm in diameter). Within a year of my radioactive treatment (which i opted for over surgery) my TSH level went from .0000008 to 11.34. I was prescriped synthroid and have taken it religiously since. *several strange things have happened medically to me since the radioactivity, too much to type here

    I am now into my third month of Loestrin packs and my testosterone is still high (now 484 was 586) and i don't feel a lick better really, just using better self help, control emotion techniques.

    i just picked up my new prescription today, Metformin, and after (potentially to much) reading i am second guessing whether i should start it or wait until after my next medical test next month, a Cortisol Stimlulation test, to test my Hydroprojestin.

    I'm concerned about taking Metformin together with the Loestrin24 and Synthroid when so many other questions have yet to be answered, for example: I don't feel, nor did my OB/GYN when she saw me, feel i was a PCOS patient. I have no signs or real symptoms of PCOS.

    I believe I may potentially have MEN (1 most likely) *multiple endocrine neoplasia.... i believe i may also be a hypocondriac at this point so much research i've done in the last few months trying to wrap my brain around this. I really truly doubt I'm PCOS, and I carry my weight well for my height. No signs of diabetes my doctor noted.

    I also would like to know why they wouldn't have set up an ultrasound of my ovaries by now, since it would be the quickest way to answer the big question, am I REALLY pcos? or is it something more.
    There is so much I am concerned about and would like to discuss with a doctor or someone i could click with, preferably with a good medical background. i do all my research on my own regardless of being under one of the top rated hospitals, i want to see a specialist and am fairly certain i need one at this point.
  • Get thee to an endocrinologist! MEN is a serious disorder, and hopefully not what you have. PCOS, as I understand(and I'm certainly not a doctor!), can manifest without cystic ovaries, so an ultrasound might not be that helpful. However, If you had something like an androgen secreting ovarian mass, the ultrasound could be useful. It seems as though you need to be dealt with by a professional who can order the necessary tests to diagnose your condition. An OB/GYN might be great for handling a suspected PCOS, but in combination with a thyroid condition, and the questions you have, you should seek further advice. That being said, welcome to the forum. This is a great place to come for support and advice. If you are diagnosed with PCOS, there are many posters here with the same issues. Wishing you well.
  • Not all PCOS patients have cysts on the ovaries. It is an endocrine disorder that is badly named. But I agree with the suggestion to see an endoc.

    But metformin can help reduce testosterone so I'm not surprised the OB/GYN went that route.
