My gym crush plays too much.

  • There is this gym employee that is easily the most gorgeous man I have been within 2 ft. I told my husband and he agrees the guy is worthy of a crush. I have never said a word to the guy but he has probably caught me looking a few times. So I thought I had managed to keep my attraction to myself but No matter how hard I try to play it cool while on the elliptical machine, if he comes by I can watch my heart rate elevate and my face start to flush, stupid physiology. Anyhow, I am so sure he is stroking his ego when he ellicits this response from women in the gym but I suspect I am an easy target because I awkwardly leave and go do weights or walk the track if I get flushed. I may be paranoid but i feel like he strategically stands near a door that I can see reflected by windows when i am on the elliptical or comes and wipes down empty equipment beside me just to make me sweat. My husband pointed out that it is just a rooster strutting but I still can't help but get angry for reacting. How do you handle a gym crush? Switching workout times is not an option due to kiddie and a job.
  • You've got a very confident hubby! A gym crush is just that. A crush. You could talk to him and suddenly realize that he's only human after all.
  • Work out harder. Some dude shouldn't be able to make you more red-faced and more sweaty. Be at maximum sweat at all times
  • I'd be more turned on by my husband's confidence. Focus on that and realize that this guy isn't worth your attention.
  • Haha... Yeah I have one of those too. It's gotten better over time, but still dang distracting!
  • Umm... I can "kinda" relate... there is a guy who teaches salsa classes at my dance studio who has kind of a reputation as a heartbreaker. One of my friends has a big crush on him. I though he was kind of swoony for a while but then I realized I had to just never spend any time with him because he was just a little too dangerous.

    It sounds like avoiding this employee isn't an option for you... Maybe you can try a little harder to avoid him though... What about moving to a machine further from him... Or if he comes into the room, go to the weight room or something?

    Or... if that sounds a little nuts... then just try not to let it take over your head. If you need a little "crush" to motivate you and you don't want it to be someone at the gym, what about a little photo of some good looking celebrity posted someone where you can look at...

    Or... if it's not bothering you too much and just need some absolution... I really don't think there's anything to feel guilty about for having a crush, especially if it gets you into the gym

  • Thanks. My husband knows he has absolutely nothing to fear. I just hate that awkwardness when I am working out. I can go most of my workout in my head and the gym crush will pop up at the machine beside me and rattle me a bit. Ugh. Maybe it's time to get a new routine. I need to learn how to make the most of the bosu balls.
  • Quote: Work out harder. Some dude shouldn't be able to make you more red-faced and more sweaty. Be at maximum sweat at all times
  • Give him a wink - he'll probably stop. LOL!
  • Aww I love new crushes! But I got to an all girls gym whenever I decide to go to the gym...because I'd become too flustered with really hot guys around me and I'd never go to the gym...not that I go now LOL. but still.
  • It's called ignoring him. Turn up your iPod and keep right on working out.
  • Quote: Work out harder. Some dude shouldn't be able to make you more red-faced and more sweaty. Be at maximum sweat at all times
    Quote: It's called ignoring him. Turn up your iPod and keep right on working out.
    These two sound like excellent plans, but this one sounds like more fun.

    Quote: Give him a wink - he'll probably stop. LOL!
  • This pathologically shy girl will attempt all of your advice but not sure which order. Wink first then ignore while I work out harder. Ignore him but wink right before I pass out from working extra hard. Crushes are fun and I really hadn't had one since high school and most of us, save the few that actually model, actual come in regular contact with people that fall at the extreme ends of the beauty spectrum on a regular basis. Anyway, thanks for hearing my complaint, I don't think I have to worry about it anymore as I have decided to take up martial arts to maintain fitness after I drop a few more pounds. Consider this nervous crush on ford model beautiful gym employee resolved.