I AM QUITING! Anyone want to join me?

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  • Quiting diet pop that is. I have been addicted to diet pop for years and in April I quite. I felt great all summer. I still allowed myself the occassional diet pop but for the most part I did not even want one. In the fall my husband I get very busy so I have been drinking more than usually (I know no excuse) and I feel yucky! Today I told myself I was done (again). So if you have something you want to quite lets meet here and cheer eachother on.
  • I quit the soda and it took two weeks to get over the sugar addiction. I do not crave sugar now. Get the sugar out of your system!
  • I cut down on diet pepsi over the last three months. I used to drink almost one a day, but now I drink maybe 2-3 a week. I'd like to just cut it out completely as well.

    I've also cut drinking alcohol a lot and want to cut that out completely for the long term.
  • I'm with you! I just quit a few days ago. It was actually easy but I've done that before only to let it sneak back into my life again. I still put Splenda in my coffee, chew sugarless gum and eat sugar free popsicles, so I'm still addicted to bad things, but I think less soda is definitely a good starting point.
  • I would love to join. I have a diet coke addiction and I know that it's a big part of my battle with weight. I don't just drink diet coke by itself, it's got to be with something sweet or salty. I've done it before for a month but then I get stressed, drink the diet coke and get hooked again. I'd love to have a group to make me stick with it!
  • Before I started Atkins about 3 weeks ago I would drink 2 or three regular pepsi's a day. I have not had a pepsi since Sept. 18th and I feel great. I am focused on drinking the right amount of water each and everyday. It was hard to quit the pop and I still want one when I go into the store every morning. I wish all of you luck with kicking the pop habit.
  • well, my first day isn't going so well. I woke up and had a 1/2 a diet coke. But I stopped and poured the rest down the drain.

    Good for you for kicking the pop habit! How did you make it through the first week? Did you drink any coffee to substitute for the caffeine?
  • jenjulia,

    It was not easy, but doing the atkins diet I felt like crap the first week. It took about 1 week to get rid of the headaches plus I also went throught times where my sugar was low which sucked. I have tried for years to quit the pop and I have finally made the decision when I looked at myself in the mirror and was not happy with what I seen. I knew that the pop and caffeine was not helping me with the weight loss.
    I have heard of people using 5 hour energys but just taking a sip when needed or just keep a bottle of ibuprofen close by. I promise all the crappy feelings will pass. Plus drink lots of water and it should flush out quicker. Plus I have found that I am saving quite a bit of money not buying pop go figure. Hope this helps!
  • Losing weight and saving money, I'm all up for that! No pop in the house and no desire to drag three kids to the store to buy it (they have a four day weekend this week). If I can survive today, I can survive tomorrow....i hope.
  • Jenjulia,

    I have faith in you and I totally agree it is not worth it dragging 3 little ones to the store for a pop. I have two little boys and forsure do not want to pack them up for that but I use too. Good Luck! You can do it!
  • I have never touched the diet soda, I have read studies, that say it can lead to Alzhimers, something in the chemicals they use, My mom was diagnosed four months ago she was a three a day diet coke drinker, she is only 56. It does not run in our family at all. So I have done a lot of research and one of the things that got me thinking was an article I read about diet drinks, and it made me wonder, could this be one of the reasons my mom got this horrible disease? If I can remember where I found the article I'll post it but it was a long time ago and I didn't save it, but good for you for stopping.
  • I used to have a serious Diet Coke problem and when I did my juice only fast I didn't have any and after my 21st day on the fast and no soda I decided to not go back to it. I have to admit I still have it once in awhile, but not nearly as much as I used to have. So I think it's great that you guys want to quit it. It's a hard addiction to cut!!
  • Quitting diet drinks and artifical sweetners (except on the RARE occassion when I drink some sweet tea at my FMIL's house who sweetens it with Splenda) was the best thing I have ever done. Dropped ten pounds without even changing anything else. Don't know how..don't know why...I'm not a scientist but I know I can't touch the stuff again.
  • Well, I'll be honest. I'm doing pretty good and having days where I have no soda. Then I'll have a day where we go out for lunch and I'll have two fountain drinks. So...not doing that great. HOWEVER, I am able to go to the store (Walmart, Grocery Store, Target, etc...) without having to buy one. So hurrah for me, lol! Seriously though. I'm pretty excited about it!! I was such an addict and my son was starting to pick up my habit (6th grader) so I had to quit.

    On the other hand....I seem to have found a new habit. Coffee. I'm not to the point where I will actually buy a coffee at a coffee shop but I try to make it at home. I think I need to switch to decaf because I had three big glasses around 5pm and well, I couldn't sleep almost all night. Yes. lol. sigh....
  • I am joining you! I am a diabetic and I have an addiction to pop, both diet and regular. I really have to get it out of my system! I am literally addicted, I experience the worst mood swings when I cant get it