Eat like a healthy kid?

  • I got thinking today as I loaded the cart. My kid eats great. He snacks all day long on very healthy food. Oatmeal in the moring, some fruit, some yogurt, some chicken.....small things all day long. When he is hungry I feed him! That is what I did when I was a kid and when I was a healthy weight (if I was hungery I ate) That is the key---I have been doing the calorie counting thing and I always feel hungry like I am just waiting for the next time I can eat and then I am starving. I need to feed myself-like a kid.

    If I am hungry all the time I am never going to get this done--I will be a hungry, grumpy and I will fail.

    So...I bought my self snack food today...fruit, non fat greek yogurt, string cheese...healthy things that come in small packages that I ACTUALLY WANT TO EAT and I am going to snack.

    What do you think??
  • I have been thinking the same thing lately- if I ate the same things that my 2.5 year old dd eats, I would be losing weight like crazy! Of course, she eats good healthy food (and sometimes A LOT of it- she can eat as much as my 6'4" hubby!) and she is growing and slowly gaining weight just like she should.

    She eats oatmeal or cereal and fruit, sometimes yogurt for breakfast. We usually do a 'bits and pieces' lunch- leftovers if we have them, but otherwise something like cheese and crackers, a piece of ham, red peppers, cucumber, carrots, apple, etc. A snack around 3-4 pm. A healthy dinner.

    It's something I should try... maybe I will.
  • I am a Calorie Counter. I also eat when I am hungry. My calorie range is 1200 - 1800 which if you are eating healthy gives me a lot of food. There has only been 1 day in the last 49 days when I felt really HUNGRY which was 2 days ago and I got up to 1798 cals. I was worried that yesterday would remain the same, so I made sure I ate a ton of raw vegis and egg whites, and I ended up lower on cals than I thought I would for the day 1314. I usually average 1500 cals per day through out the week, with some days high and some low.
  • Personally it was more beneficial for me to have set meal and snack times during times when I found dieting unbearably hard. I do this with my daughter,too, who tends to want to eat all day long. It avoids constant food talk, her choices don't tend to be that healthy. I never say no to fruit though, but that doesn't happen here.
  • The way I look at it is it can't hurt to try. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. If it works great! If not then you try something else.

    My hubby and I joke all the time how healthy our daughter eats (well use to, now she is in a fussy not eating much of anything stage arggghhhh), such a variety of food. But when you have a job it can be hard to snack away so it wouldn't work for me. But individual portion food is my friend, I love knowing that this snack is 100cals etc. And the convenience of keeping something in the car or being able to throw something in my bag so I am less likely to give in to temptation of eating crap while out.
  • One of my favorite lunches is a sliced apple, peanut butter, and a glass of milk. It feels like something a kindergartner would eat, but it's so good and so filling there are weeks I have it for lunch everyday.
  • Do you dip the apple in the peanut butter? It amazes me how much people from the US love peanut butter! It seems ya'll will eat it with anything. We're boring, its bread and that's it pretty much -LOL- I got weird looks when I said I liked it with chocolate a few weeks ago, that makes me a freak!
  • Quote: Do you dip the apple in the peanut butter? It amazes me how much people from the US love peanut butter! It seems ya'll will eat it with anything. We're boring, its bread and that's it pretty much -LOL- I got weird looks when I said I liked it with chocolate a few weeks ago, that makes me a freak!
    LOL at a Kiwi saying "Y'all".

    And yes, you dip the apple in peanut butter. It's delicious! You just have to make sure you have PB that has peanuts as the only ingredient. A lot of pb's have icing (confectioner's) sugar in them!
    I don't think that marmite would taste as good...
  • I love saying y'all, of course it doesn't sound as cool with a kiwi accent. Had an international student last semester from Nth Carolina, I kept making him say it (my students all think I'm nuts anyway). And I dunno, I know a few people that eat vegemite (the better version of marmite!) with grated apple. Can't imagine dipping it though -shudder-

    Maybe I'll give apply and PB a go, give it to my 2yr old fussy monster.
  • I would go way overboard if I dipped it so I slice up the apple and spread the pb (aka heavenly deliciousness) on there pretty thin and eat them like little pb crackers.
  • My son eats very healthy and has a wonderful relationship with food. No food is more valuable then any other food. I have watched him put down a piece of chocolate to have some raw veggies with dip. Last week was his camp party and I had asked him a few days before what he thought he would like to bring? I said we could make some cookies or muffins, etc and he said I want to bring a veggie tray. We went into the grocery store that morning and he picked out an small organic veggie tray with low fat ranch dip

    Anyway I am learning from him. He is an amazing teacher Oh I do eat when I am hungry and what I want but i do try to make sure I have protein every time I eat and I also do record what I am eating everyday and try to stay around 1800 ish cals but don't beat myself up of I go over by a few hundred. I tend to eat mostly whole healthy foods, don't like "diet" food or fake processed crappy food (except chips which I just don't buy)
  • My daughter is really healthy as well. She was raised on natural whole foods, so she's ahead of the game (in comparison to me!). I recall going trick or treating at local storefronts for Halloween last year. I asked if she wanted some candy from her bag. She told me she'd rather go to Whole Foods and buy an apple instead. She makes me so happy
  • This has been working for me- I m still counting calories but I don't feel like I am starving- if I am hungry I eat a little something healthy- so far so good
  • Last year when I did my son's Halloween party at school, I bought some tiny crab apples besides the normal candy and chocolate. I thought to myself that there's no way these kids will eat the apples. Boy, was I wrong! Every child in the class reached for the apple first. It was amazing. They're so different from my generation. I have to say my son made me delirious with happiness that day.
  • Quote: This has been working for me- I m still counting calories but I don't feel like I am starving- if I am hungry I eat a little something healthy- so far so good
    So glad it's working for you!