Daily Achievements

  • Lets work towards a daily acheievement. Even small achievements matter! My husband and I make up xbox like achievements when something awesome happens in our lives.
    Today my achievement is walking close to two etxra miles when I was incredibly sore from yesterdays 5 miler. Also that I started walking the two miles to work daily.
  • I really like this idea. And congrats on your achievement.

    Today I had to take a day off from my normal routine because I woke up and all of my muscles and joints ached. Instead of doing my strength training for the day I did an hour and a half of yard work which I think of as my achievement.
  • Loooove this! Today's achievement actually came from a slip. Even after I cheated today (I ate a bowl of fruit loops) I didn't let it ruin the rest of my day. Still had good food! Plus, it is a life lesson. I gotta learn that if I have some junkie food that day does not mean I get to pig out the rest of the day!
  • I have been so bad lately, is there an active page on this forum??
  • Yes there is. My achievement today was to walk over 10,000 steps at work today during my six-hour shift and I made it with 12,990. I work at a bakery, which has been a "nibble here nibble there" nightmare for the past four years and led to me slowly gaining twenty-five pounds. So my goal for tomorrow is to not eat or taste anything at work tomorrow. (This is going to be a particular challenged because we are constantly making new concoctions and have to taste things to tell the customers.)