Soooo Over the 190's and 180's... Part 2

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  • Well I'm glad you had a loss

    I am up and down this week, I blame Tom/new workout routine it's way more intense.
  • 192.6 today.
  • 191.4 today. woot woot. keep on going down scale I want out of the 190s
  • Almost out of here! 181 as of Wednesday. I'm pushing really hard to get out of the 180s.
  • Awesome scondy!!!!!
  • Goodness I'm so tired of being in the 180s!!!! I've been here for YEARS. Time to get myself in gear. Ugh!
  • 184.6 today ugh it's just sticking there, I better have this insane woosh at some point
  • Down a pound to 185.6 today! Movin in the right direction! 8D
  • Just wanted to update since its been a couple weeks. Fiance is back from his seasonal job in the north. Which means more salt content and different food eating times as well as the volume of food has increased. I havent cheated but my deficits have been lower (which means I eat too much for my sick body to handle and spend every night puking ! yey!) so we are working on adjusting life to fit both his needs and mine. It isnt easy. but I havent gained, I have maintained. I just hope we can work this out. I came up with a new plan last night but yeah its harder than before. My old schedual was get up at 10 am have breakfast, dinner at 2ish, supper at 4ish, bed by 1 am. easy. Now its up at 7am breakfast , dinner 11ish, supper 4ish but then hes home at like 6 and hes having supper and by 8 hes having snacks and thats a lot of temptation (hes a professional cook ppl! a professional cook!!!) so really I am lucky to have maintained but it is making me sick so we are adjusting to it slowly but surely. I have managed to have larger deficits the last few days but my main concern is not getting sick so I need to get back to 1000-1200 calories to lower my weight and get better again
  • Hang in there Cherry! I can't imagine having my sig other be a professional cook LOL that's gotta take incredible will power!!

    Down to 184.2!!! Halfway to the 170s!
  • Hey everyone. I'm a long time lurker, but new poster. I think I'm finally ready to lose the weight. I'm currently 5'10 and 191lbs. I just started crossfit, and am trying to figure out an eating plan that I can stick to for the long haul. I'm kicking around starting paleo on weekdays and then eating in moderation during the weekend. We'll see. Either, that or just focusing on good, clean nutrition. My goal is 170lbs, so I have a bit to go, but I'm giving myself a year to get there. Good luck to everyone else!
  • Aliroo, all of your ideas sound very realistic! And congrats on crossfit, I lift weights but crossfit seems waaaaay too intense for me hehe. Welcome!

    As for me, I'm sooooo happy to report that I'm OUT of the 190s! FINALLY. It's felt like forever. I'm 189.7 today. Very happy about that. Less than 10lbs until the 180s are gone!
  • Hey girls, I'll be here for my next 20lbs! Hopefully I'll only be here until Labour Day, but given past performance, it will probably be longer.
  • I just started but I keep hovering around 198,drives me bonkers!
  • I was gone 6-7 weeks while I maintained and adjusted my eating lifestyle to mesh better with my fiancee whose back from the north. Ive only lost 3.5lbs in that time as I mostly maintained, I lost that weight the last couple weeks. So now I'm 187.6-187.8. I'm finally in the second half of this thread by a little ways! Hoping to see the 179 number by very early august