
  • So I just got out of the shower, looked at the mirror, and I saw a new little friend....my collar bone! I completely forgot about it and I SWEAR it wasn't there this morning.

    The scale still says 224 (it was 223 this morning) so no movement there...but the collar bone is kind of fun. Weird, I don't even know if it's possible for collar bones to magically become unearthed over the course of a day.

    Either way, I'll take it!
  • YAY! Congrats
  • We can be collarbone buddies! I noticed that mine randomly decided to join the party this morning too. Congrats!
  • Congrats!! Collarbones are so sexy. Put on a nice necklace to show it off!
  • aah, i love when collarbones show themselves! congratulations!
  • Congrats!! Yay for collarbones!
  • YAY congrats!! I am waiting for mine to come back. Around 170 lbs (in 2007) it was around in full force.. so far nothing.

    Goes to show how much awesome work you are doing to your body!