Healthy Changes: Focus of the week. Everyone Welcome!

  • So as I was driving today I was thinking about some good things I have been doing for myself since I started on this weightloss journey the first of April. Then I started thinking of the things I still need to work on. And it came to me. I have MANY changes I am trying to implement. And I am okay with not being 100% of all of them. I am just getting started and I expect to mess up. But I also would like to have certain things I focus on per week.

    So here it is. And everyone is welcome to come and post and be accountable. Each week I plan to state my focus for that week. Something that I haven't yet mastered, or maybe something I have been letting slide recently. I'm not giving up on the other changes I am making, but I just want to set aside one thing that is my focus for the week. This will be something I plan to do 100%, or at least 100% better for that week. I know it's Tuesday today, but hey Mondays are great start days.

    This week my focus is drinking water. I will carry a water bottle with me at all times so I can remember to get my hydration in!
  • This is a really good idea! I need to do this myself. I am definitely one person that tries to do to much at once, and then if I fail one thing... I just give up on them all. :P

    My first focus could be... make sure I have healthy food with me at all times. So that I'm not tempted by evil vending machines or sandwiches when I'm out.
  • Awesome idea!!

    My focus this week is eating 3-4 servings of vegetables everyday. I have no problem with fruit but I really struggle with veggies!