20 Somethings Photos - Round 3!

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  • Can't even believe I am posting a pic...
    This is me, at 209 in Feb. 2010, with one of my supermodel friends. I am always the "token fat girl" friend. Boo. Look fast, I may regret this and delete it.

  • So....I bought this super amazing bathing suit online last year and only wore it once because I thought I looked terrible in it. I recently tried it back on and did a comparison. What do you think?


    (Sorry about the graniness of the first pic.)
  • Lauren that suit looks great on you!
  • Lauren: DAYUM GIRL. you look amazing in it!!

    I need help deciding on a dress to wear to graduation...I can't make up my mind.

    This one I wore to my high school graduation 4 years ago. I can actually breathe in it this time...I couldn't 4 years ago.

    I know the first one is more fun, but think in terms of what would be good for a graduation. My cap and gown are black so I can wear whatever.
  • I think they both look great, however, I would go with the first one. It looks more "Spring"y and I think if you have to take picture afterwards you will be the one that everyone notices. It's your graduation, so all eyes should be on you!
  • Quote: I need help deciding on a dress to wear to graduation...I can't make up my mind.
    I love em both, but I would go for the second one :]

    Quote: So....I bought this super amazing bathing suit online last year and only wore it once because I thought I looked terrible in it. I recently tried it back on and did a comparison. What do you think?
    Are you kidding us? you look like your own daughter! xD you look amazing...
  • ETA: I apologize for the double post ._.
  • Lauren - rock that bathing suit this summer girl! You look FANTASTIC!!!!

    Samantha - I vote for the first dress, but I like bright colors!!!! You look great in both though!
  • Samantha: I love the second dress.

    Here are some pictures for my second hand shopping.

    #1 this is a guess pants and a blouse for $15.

    #2 this one was for $7



    #3 this are the boot for $14 and the blouse for $4


    #4 this short was for $5


    And my before.
  • wow wfonseca you look great and so much younger! I really like the boots and blouse they look good on you!
  • fonseca you look sensational!!! And I like the clothes
  • Fonesca you look amazing! I loooove the blouse and those boots! Good finds!
  • Wfonseca you look great!!

    Lauren I love the bathing suit!

    Samantha I like the first one
  • Heres me this past weekend

  • I'm still in the middle of my weight loss, I'd like to lose around 15 more pounds, but I always appreciate looking at everyone else's pictures, and I also think posting pictures I never wanted anyone in the world to see will help motivate me more. The first two are from when I weighed about 180, and the last two were taken today.

    180... notice my chins and bra fat. Nice Ashley, nice. I cried when I saw this one for the first time.

    I'm on the left, the other two are my mom and my stinkin skinny little sister who motivates me to lose weight every time I see her shoulder bones sticking out. Just kidding, I love her.

    Boyfriend and I, Nov 2009. I was about 165ish. It was cold out and I felt terrible about myself so I was wearing as much as possible to cover myself up, which just made me feel even bigger.

    Boyfriend again, about 154 taken a few weeks ago. We make very serious faces. Yes, I'm pale.

    That's my butt today. I didn't ever take a before picture of it because they don't make wide angle lenses for cell phone cameras.

    I'm just gonna keep on truckin' one day at a time.

    I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!