newbie HELP- 4 donuts in 1 day!!!!!

  • HELP! so yesterday my bf brought home a dozen krispy kreme donuts and i ate 4 in one day. honestly!! what is wrong with me!?!?!?! i weigh 137 and i'm 5'3". i have three sets of rolls, and i feel a 4th one coming on. i know i'm not "fat" to most standards but the roll situation really upsets me. i'm not happy with myself and i really want to do something about it but temptation is everywhere. i live at home with my family who really doesn't pay attention to what we eat. so today for dinner i had a ham sandwich and 7 cookies. again, i fail. and i'm not even working out yet!!! i keep saying to myself "i'll start next week...i'll start next week" and that week becomes the week after next and so on. HELPPPPPP. like right now, the remaining donuts are calling my name. i've held back for 30 mins now, idk how much longer i can forget the donuts are there. 4 donuts!?!? honestly!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHH i know i must take immediate action, but getting started is so hard. suggestions? also, i'd like to lose the rolls by spring break, march 9th. not very realistic??????? :-( i'm so sad!!!!
  • i know the panic! First of all, have you told your boyfriend or family you're dieting? They might be more supportive if they know. I learnt moderation slowly- cut down to maybe 2 cookies a day, or one donut, so you dont feel completely deprived, but dont go over the top either You could even cut the donut in half, save half for later (IF you still want it) then go do something else- play a game, sew, read a book, go for a walk. Anything to get your mind off it.

    Working out is something i still battle with. Maybe try just increasing your activity levels slowly. Find something you enjoy doing, and stick with it. Remember working out doesnt have to be at the gym or going for a run- you could swim, rock climb, kayak, take up boxing, do a martial art, anything that gets you hooked and your heart rate up!
  • Oh man, 4 Krispy Kreme's would be showing restraint for me, lol, I could eat a whole dozen in one sitting. (You know how most people get sick if they eat too much crap? I must have a stomach of steel... unfortunately.)

    But seriously, the thing that has worked for me is really getting in the habit of THINKING about my food. If you're used to mindlessly eating whatever you'd like, it takes a lot of practice.. but if you have to really consider every bite you put in your body, it's easier to avoid some of the junk.

    A lot of people find it helpful to write things down (or log them in an online food journal) BEFORE they eat them. If you had to update the number of cookies listed under "dinner" in your journal from 1, to 2, to 3... would you really make it to 7 or would you say "oh wow, that's a lot of cookies, I'm going to stop now!"

    Why not start working out today? Heck, what are you doing RIGHT NOW as you read this? Could you go for a little walk? Do a few push-ups? What's the soonest you can go to the gym, or do a workout DVD, or go for a run, or whatever it is you plan to do?

    March 9 is about 6 weeks away, right? If you worked pretty hard, I'd imagine you could lose 10 pounds... that would probably mean keeping track of your calories and doing lots of exercise. Even if you just lost a few pounds and gained a bit of strength and fitness, I bet you'd feel more confident and comfortable and enjoy your spring break more.
  • I agree with everyone else, In addition, sometimes, you NEED to know what you are putting in your body, a shock tactic, so to speak. How many calories in one Krispy Kreme? How many fat grams? How about those seven cookies? Do you know what the nutritional impact of those foods is? For those 4 krispy kremes (which obviously didn't satisfy you, since you want more, I'd feel the exact same way!) You could have at 2 big macs and a small french fry. You could have had 3 ham sandwiches and 3 cups of salad, you could have had 12 apples!

    I'm not trying to sound like a holier than though witch, but the shock of it all is sometimes enough to propel you into your new lifestyle!
  • calm thyself. the donut debacle of '09 is over now, so you can start fresh.
    YOU CAN DO IT. it sounds like maybe (and i could be wrong), your mindset is "i'll start next week, but then i can never have a donut ever again." so then you dont start, because you want the donut! you CAN eat right and have the occasional treat, its all good. if you give yourself permission to eat a donut now and then, you'll likely be satisfied with one instead of four, because you will know its not the last time you will ever eat a donut. hope this makes sense.
  • Quote: I agree with everyone else, In addition, sometimes, you NEED to know what you are putting in your body, a shock tactic, so to speak. How many calories in one Krispy Kreme? How many fat grams? How about those seven cookies? Do you know what the nutritional impact of those foods is? For those 4 krispy kremes (which obviously didn't satisfy you, since you want more, I'd feel the exact same way!) You could have at 2 big macs and a small french fry. You could have had 3 ham sandwiches and 3 cups of salad, you could have had 12 apples!

    I'm not trying to sound like a holier than though witch, but the shock of it all is sometimes enough to propel you into your new lifestyle!
    I could not agree more! I think one of the biggest influences in my food decisions (and therefor my weightloss) was knowing EXACTLY what was going into my mouth. I couldn't pretend anymore.

    You can do this. You survived 4 krispy cremes and it's time to pick yourself up and move on
  • heres what you do. go to one of the many sites that you punch in all your info height weight so on and have it tell you the amount of calories you should be eating a day. then evertime you eat put the nutrition label of whatever it is right in front of you and read it while you eat. so that say you should eat 1400 cal a day and your enjoying your 4th doughnut, you are completly aware that you have now consumed more than half of your daily allowance, what are you going to eat for the rest of the day!

    thats what i do anyways. makes me feel bad for overeating.

    also. if you find that you have gone over dont call the day a loss and eat poorly for the rest of the day since you slipped up. just say oops. looks like ill be having something reeeaaal healthy for dinner to make up for that.

    i know its a stuggle but it gets easier.

    and if you do something for three days straight it becomes habit. so if you just get through those first three day of torturous wanting every food thats around you, it will be easier the fourth day!

    phew thats a long message.
  • I was in the same situation at the beginning of the year! I kept eating and eating (all kinds of crap) even if I was full. It was too hard to change, I tried. So instead I decided to make fitness goals and eat whatever I want. I started a program similar to the 'Couch to 5k', and the motivation was telling myself if I went for a run 3x a week I could eat whatever I wanted. Well after the 2nd week of the program I started to regain control somehow and made much healthier food choices. Now it happens pretty easily.