Binging after workout...

  • Ok... I felt really good yesterday after i did a 1 hour Zumba workout class, but then I get back to my apartment and am STARVING. First I ate a grilled cheese sandwich. I thought that would do it for me. Then I'm still hungry so I ate some leftover pasta with vegetables and shrimp.... but then after that I go back and get a mini ice cream sandwich. It's not that any of these foods were horrible, but I ate more calories than I planned.

    How much/far in advance do you usually eat before a workout to avoid the starving feeling? Our teacher suggested we eat a light meal 45 minutes after the class. I felt good after the class, but I think all the eating cancelled it out.
  • Many times we mistake thirst for hunger, so be sure that you drink a large glass of water before you eat, and see how you feel... also, make your meal and then eat it slowly, enjoying it. It is easy to scarf down large amounts of food quickly when you are very hungry, because your body takes 20 minutes to realize that it is full. So, after you eat your meal, wait 20 minutes. Then see if you are really still hungry. Again, drink a large glass of water before making a yourself a healthy snack if you need one. I hope this helps!
  • i am quite bad in that i'll have something small about 15 mins before my work out sometimes, just because i havent had time to grab something 45mins before. Sometimes i have a small snack afterwards, but i find that because i have to bus home from the gym it gives my stomach time to settle down, digest the snack a bit, and rehydrate after the work out, so by the time i get home i dont need food. If im still hungry when i get home i'll have something else, or maybe a big glass of water with a little lime cordial for taste. I find it also helps if i can time my work out so that i do it just before lunch/dinner, so i can eat afterwards, but its not something that would be off plan
  • Quote: Many times we mistake thirst for hunger, so be sure that you drink a large glass of water before you eat, and see how you feel... also, make your meal and then eat it slowly, enjoying it. It is easy to scarf down large amounts of food quickly when you are very hungry, because your body takes 20 minutes to realize that it is full. So, after you eat your meal, wait 20 minutes. Then see if you are really still hungry. Again, drink a large glass of water before making a yourself a healthy snack if you need one. I hope this helps!
    Yep, I find that after the gym, I usually mentally rehearse myself thin as I drink a bottle of water. It just feels good to know that you first worked out, and you're drinking water. Also, having something substantial like protein afterward is not only good for your muscles that you worked out, but filling and does not sabotage your diet.
  • It might help if you have something on the way home. A protein shake if you're into that, a small yogurt, even just a small palmful of nuts. It will jumpstart that full feeling that takes 20 minutes. By the time you get home and prepare and finish your actual meal, you may find yourself feeling the fullness sooner.
  • I have my evening meal once i have worked out....
    nothing after 1pm before it tho....
  • Well, I usually plan my workouts to finish around a meal because I'm starving afterwards. Eat an hour before seems to be the common suggestion. Make sure whatever you snack on before you go to the gym has carbs and protein in it to sustain you (I usually go with a handful of nuts and an apple, or some yogurt). Also, like someone else said, drink plenty of water during/after your workout. To keep myself from overeating I usually plan what I'm going to have for that meal before I go to the gym. It's something that's healthy, but filling and I figure out the calories before I go. Planning is key. You don't want to undo all the hard work you just put in!
  • Another thing that may help is keeping yourself busy after your workout. If I watch tv I am more likely to use my workout as an excuse to snack or binge while I watch, but if I am cleaning the house, running errands, etc. I am alot less likely to do so!
  • I agree with the water drinking suggestion.
    Another thing to keep in mind; the meal after you work out is probably the most important meal of the day. After a workout your body will absorb whatever you eat next. It's really important to drink water and take in protein asap. There's a good article that explains everything at: