Weekly Chat/// June 5-11

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  • Once again, there's no excuse for the junk I ate this weekend. Something in my mind decided it was "free" weekend and whatever carbs were in sight I could eat. Ever want to be "normal"?? Doubt I'll manage to get it under control tonight (going out to eat) but I'll give it a shot! I've got to get things under control again. Going to take the siggie down as it's not true (again). But not going to step on the scale for a couple weeks either. I know it's up as I've had to take my rings off (too tight).
    Hope you all did better this weekend than I did!
  • Good Morning

    Brenda~ I hate it too when my brain takes over like that. Dont beat yourself up about it tho!

    Ive got my eggs cooked for the next couple days, and I have a big pot of navy beans cooking Im going to add into my diet next week. Just thought Id get them cooked today while the weather isnt sweltering! They freeze wonderfully.

    Dh and I have a big busy day planned....we have been feeling lately that there isnt enough time in the day to get things done I dont know what we are going to do when we get really "business" busy

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Hiya everyone. Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Rayne and I'm starting induction today! Went to the doctor last week and he flat out told me that I need to lose weight in a big way and it kind of woke me up. I've heard great things about Atkins and am excited to give it my all! I look forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Robin: The beans sound like a great addition And I'll work on not being too hard on myself.

    Rayne: Did your doctor recommend Atkins or just any means of losing weight? You've come to the right place for encouragement and advice

    Discovered that omelets make me tired. Hmm...Interesting discovery. I need to figure something "fast" and "easy" to make for breakfast instead of eggs.
  • Welcome Rayyne, My doctor told me to get on a low-carb diet and stick to it. I chose Atkins myself. It has worked great and can work for you too. Good luck with your weight loss journey.
  • Brenda, do you have a George Foreman? That's the quickest way to cook chicken breasts or burgers or pork chops or beef and you can cook it directly from the frozen state.

    Welcome Rayyne! And hello to Robin.

    Ladies, it just keeps getting better and better. Sunday, we decided to go downtown to the People's Fair which is a great street festival in Denver. We took the light rail downtown and then took the free shuttle bus up the 16th Street pedestrian mall. I was seated on the rear row of seats on the bus and John and his friend John were standing in front of the rear doors. This car pulled out of the hotel parking garage we were passing, and I kept thinking she's not stopping or slowing down -- all of a sudden WHAM - she ran right into the side of the bus. She mangled the bus doors and took chunks out of the step on the bus. She totaled the front of her car. She was going the wrong way out of the garage (she exited the entrance) and doesn't have a driver's license - she's not an American citizen and only had a learner's permit (she was in her 30s). No one got hurt and it was pretty funny afterwards. We were just lucky she was driving a car instead of an SUV - if she had been in a high profile vehicle, she would have come through the doors on the bus.

    I'm hiding in my closet until Christmas now!
  • Starting Atkins tomorrow

    I'm starting induction tomorrow, and am a little nervous cuz I don't feel like I know what I'm doing.

    I'll try to read on here as much as I can and get the book.

  • Welcome Nicole, if you have any questions, just ask. Several of us have been doing Atkins for a long time and are willing to help anyone as needed. Good luck .
  • Susan, you have been having terrible luck lately. Let me know if you plan on being in OKlahoma so I can go on vacation. Just kidding, LOL. Things have got to start getting better for you.
  • Tuesday
    Lily: How's it going?

    Susan: How are you all feeling today? Sometimes it takes until the next day to feel stiff and sore. Hope all is ok!

    Bunny: The best advice I usually read that people give is read the book FIRST. You might still not have any clue what exactly you're supposed to do, but it'll give you the guidelines and what NOT to do. Welcome and you've come to the right place for advice

    Well, as predicted I didn't do LC last night. I did have a taco salad...but ended up eating 1/2 the shell with it. Then came home and had a bowl of ice cream. Well, that was last night. Today is restart day!! DH also said he's in it with me. Not going to work on the water so much as making sure I eat right. Then for sure next week (at the latest) I'll go caffeine free. That's the plan
  • Hiya!!

    Well yesterday went OK... I was hungry alllll day but kept telling myself that if I can get through the first few days it will be so much easier. So, here's to day 2. I hope I have the willpower. I'm a teacher and it's summer so I'm home all day and boy is it tempting to eat eat eat. Thankfully I've thrown out anything that is carb-laden and easy to get my fingers on!

    Brenda: My doctor didn't tell me to do Atkins, he actually suggested weight watchers. However, since DH is doing with me... he wasn't thrilled about weight watchers and wanted to try this instead. Good luck getting back on plan!

    Everyone else: thank you for the welcomes!!
  • Rayne: Are you sure you ate enough? I don't remember ever hearing of anyone that was hungry while on Atkins. Did you drink enough water? How'd DH do on his first day??
  • Quote: Today is restart day!!
    Me too and its my own fault....I should have eaten supper at the proper time, and not gotten myself stranded without food Today is another day.

    Rayyne~ good going on day one!!

    Susan~ I hope everyone is doing alright today. Like Brenda said, its usually the day after everyone involved in the vehicle will be very stiff and sore. From the tension.

    Another busy day planned....but my first priority today, is to keep the food op, and on time.

    Have a good one!
  • Good Morning All.
    Have been a a bit of a funk the past few days but thought I'djump back in here to keep up whatever strength I have left.
    I've lost 3 lbs the last 4 weeks and am not happy about it. Didn't notice much change in inches either. I have increased water, examined carbs with a microscope, cut out the atkins bars, upped the exercise. !!!???!!!
    If I was cheating now and then and had this weight lossI would be like - OK thats the way it is,you screwed up. but when I'm working sohard not cheating and doing it all to a T and have that weight loss. I just feel like I'm destined to be this weight for ever or something. The only thing left that I didn't do was the fast and to tell you the truth I am already so sick of eggs I so't know how I could do the egg fast. Most of the things in the book for the fast sound pretty gross too. I guess I could do the macadamia nuts like someone has done here, but that will probably cost me $10 a day.
    Anyway, I need to work through this because not only am I losing it physically but mentally now as well.

    HEy newbies, rayyne and bunny chick.Please don't let me get you down, No matter what I said, I still love this diet. It is so easy to stick to for me. it got me over my carb addictions, the weight just flewoff (in the beginning) but everyone says that stall are normal and this to shall pass! Just read thebook and give it 2 weeks and you'll see.

    Brenda How close are your to your goal? Maybe that's why you are slacking off a bit. Just hang on there!

    Susan - Are you coming out of your closet today? I hope that things start turning around for you. I mean really girl! You poor thing!

    Lilliybelle - hi there! You are so funny! I get a kick out of your posts!

    Big hello to everyone else!
    I'm off to get on my treadmill. I have never done a morning workout but think I better get it over with before I lose the little get up and go - that I have left

    Hope you all have a fun (and safe) day!!!!
  • Hello everyone.

    Hello to all the newbies..

    Have'nt been myself lately....I get this way sometimes..I get really quiet and stay hidden in my shell... I guess you can say...

    I hope everyone is doing good....Mainly just dropped in the say HI...
