
  • Has anyone tried using the Nutrisystem diet thing? I am considering it because I am always on the go and can hardly plan what I am going to eat. Part of me wants to just slow down and once a week lay a plan out for myself. Any tips for an on the go gal? Or, anyone on Nutrisystem? Please help! Thanks!
  • Hi Sarah
    You might want to check out the forum "General Diet Plans"..there's a thread on Nutrisystem there

    Good Luck!
  • Thanks. I'm really torn about doing Nutrisystem. Part of me really thinks that there is no reason why I can't lose the weight on my own. I'm just really EH about it right now and having a hard time really trying. I guess I just REALLY need support right now... thanks again!
  • I did Nutrisystem on the reccomendation of a friend because she was losing so much weight on it. It was not for me in the respect that the food does not have a whole lot of tastiness to it. There are some things that are good and some that are just plain bad plus there seemed to be a high amount of perservatives in it.

    You end up getting this huge box once a month with all your foods and you just follow the plan. It does work but it just was not for me. I would say if you choose to do Nutrisystem add in exercise to the plan. You can get a trial membership and it will give you like one or two weeks of food.
  • Thank you for your input. After some thought, I think I am going to stick with the food pyramid. I'm just being lazy about it right now and I know if I get on it, I'll succeed. Thanks again!