L.A.Weight Loss????

  • Just wondering if anyone else is doing L.A. Weight Loss? I started a couple of years ago, got pregnant, and couldn't do the program because I was B/F my daughter. I still have my stuff but I just had a few questions or thought I could buddy up with someone doing the program? I tried to look on the 3FC site here but still haven't mastered the entire site yet so if someone knows of a link they can give me that would be great!
  • Hi Welcome to 3FC! We have an LAWL forum filled with happy people that I'll bet would like to buddy up with you. Go to http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=171

    Good luck!
  • NBR- Look at LAWL, thats how we abbreviate it! I am doing LAWL myself and there is a threat for each month! The ladies there are wonderful and you are going to become addicted to them!
  • Rebeca Oh my goodness! you have me laughing right now! There is a "threat" for each month? You do mean a "treat" for each month don't you? A "threat" each month certainly wouldn't motivate me! Or maybe it would if it was scary enough!

    I'm not laughing at you really. I make typos like that myself all the time, but it just came out sounding so funny.
  • Ok Sherry, now we know where your mind is!!! I think she means thread for each month!!
  • Yeah thats really what I meant! Now that I read it, it sounds hilarious!

    Sorry I havent been in U.S. long enough (5 years)...
  • Oh thread! Ok, that makes more sense! Duh... I feel silly now. I thought maybe there was a reward system built in "treat" but threat? Scary. "Lose this weight or ELSE!"

    Maybe we should start one of those! I wonder how motivating it would be?
  • oh thanks so much i am so excited!!!!!!!
  • http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=83101

    I hope this helps!