New around here..

  • I'm new around here. I posted a bio on myself but I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed by it all.Forgive me if I have posted in the wrong area. My huge problem is I don't think the Drs scale is right. And of course I can't find a scale that will weight me.(we have one but it just says OL.) Budget of course is a huge issue with 2 teenage girls and a 8 month old. I've set a small goal of 20 pounds. Should I set a lose by date? I'm not much of an exersizer but I did do 10 minutes on the treadmill. Pretty good for someone who hasnt done anything in years. My other more long term goal would be to be around 200ish. Then to go from there. Any hints or help is totally welcome. I feel lost!
  • Welcome! I understand the overwhelming feeling. I have that feeling too because I have a long way to go. You are on the right track though. Getting started and staying focused to me is much harder than watching what you eat and exercising. I also had trouble finding a scale. I found a WW scale at walmart that goes up to 330 for $25. Most that I found that I could use were like $50 so I got lucky. Small goals are good...20 lbs is more realistic and keeps ya from feeling more overwhelmed. I personally don't set a goal by date, but I wold be pleased with at least a 2lb per month loss. I'm not much of an exerciser either, not unless lounging around has become a sport, but I aim for at least 10 minutes of exercise a day and will work up slowly to about an hour a day.
    Anyways, this is a great place. I'm a newbie too, but the people here are fabulous and are so helpful (not to mention inspirational).
  • Hi, I just joined here in Jan, though I've been working on my weight loss since '03.

    What makes you think the doc's scale is so far off? My first scale was a spring scale and went to 300, I was over that by about 20 lbs. I went by how much over 300 it went (figuring it would be accurate enough for me to see my weight go down). Once I got down further I bought another scale.

    I think everybody has there own method of goals that work for them, you may have to use trial and error to see what motivates you best (that's what I did). I set 5 lb goals then reward myself -- the reward can be anything, a shirt, a CD, going out somewhere, any kind of treat to remind me that I made it. This year I'm starting to set dates by which I want to lose a certain amount of weight. That can be tricky, but last year I felt like I didn't motivate myself enough. I shoot for about 1 lb a week. I don't always lose that much. Sometimes, I lose more. I even gain sometimes.

    The biggest lesson I've learned is just to stick with it no matter what. Little steps forward add up. 10 min on the treadmill is great. I think some people get gung ho and start off doing an hour, get overwhelmed and just quit. I believe in starting slow and building up.

    PS Nelson is a great name for a cat You should post a pic in the "my angel" thread.
  • Welcome and you came to the right place. You will get a lot of good advise and support here. I would not worry about your doctors scale being right or wrong. It should be consistant that is all that matters. You can set goals and still check on your progress. If you feel it's 20 lbs off or what ever just subtract that from your weight. You could also go to the local hospital they will let you check your weight there. Hope to sse your around here more hang in there you can do this.
  • First of WELCOME! And no you did not post in the wrong place. This is the best place ever.... Everyone here is so supportive and kind. I haven't been here long myself but I feel right at home and I know you will too. I too understand how this can all be overwhelming but I had to decide that making small changes a little at a time was the best way for me. It's scary to make changes I think we all experience that. Personally I wouldn't put a time limit on the weight loss I have found that often that leads to disappointment. I think at first you should just consentrate on trying to be healthier. The 10 mins on the Treadmill is a great start! And stopping the pop drinking caused me to lose 10lbs all on it's own! I also drink water until I feel like I am going to drown in it. I noticed in your bio you said that you were thinking about joining WW. I used to do weight watchers and my husband is doing it now it works and is a good program. I actually loosly follow it now. I have to say, at least for me, it was a good plan. I know you can do this, I know it is scary but that's what we are here for! PM me if you want to or you can email me if you want to just go to my blog (there's a link under my signature) and click on my profile there is a link to my email there. Good luck and I know you can do this!
  • Welcome! Glad ya found us here, and kudos on focusing on just a small loss (20 pounds) instead of the big picture right away. Time frame goals are a nice way to keep some people on track, but ya gotta watch you don't make it unrealistic or you might set yourself up for failure. I personally used to make goals of like 5-8 pounds a month and usually exceeded them so then I felt good about the progress Also 10 mins on the treadmill is a great start, before long you won't wanna get off it Good luck and please check in often and ask any questions ya need to.
  • Hi and welcome. Your definitely found the right place. I think 20 pounds is a great first goal to strive for. It's up to you whether or not you want to set a time limit. If you set one and then don't meet it, will you be upset and want to give up? then I wouldn't put a limit on it. On the other hand if having a time limit will motivate you, then go for it.

    Doctor's scales are usually very accurate but I have seen a couple that were wrong. I wouldn't focus on that number just yet. Work on getting the weight off. Just think once you get down to losing, won't it be great to say I've lost xx amount of weight and started out here ???.

    10 minutes on the treadmill is a wonderful start. That's more exercise than a lot of people get in a week. Next time try for 11 minutes and then build up to 30 minutes. If you have to stay at 10 minutes for a while that's okay too. The key is to make the effort until your muscles and endurance get stronger.
  • Thank you all for your support and your ideas. I too think I am going to follow WW loosely. Portion control is another huge step I have to take.

    Again thanks for the support!
  • Sorry I'm a bit late - but I'd like to say welcome to the 100lb club tilltheend!

    I can completely understand you feeling overwhelmed - most of us feel the same at some point. You are absolutely right to set a small target - then re assess from there.

    I have followed WW in the past, and many others here do it successfully - that combined with the treadmill wil soon get that first 20lb shifting!

    Your among friends here and you'll get all the support and advice you need.

    Love Amanda x
  • Hi there! I agree that setting an intial 20lb. goal is best because looking at the big picture can certainly be daunting. I remember my first WW meeting where I learned I had 130lbs. to lose. After the meeting I sat in my car and cried as I tried to come to terms with the fact I had to lose an entire person!

    I found it much easier to focus on working towards achieving 5lb. and 10lb. losses (for which we received stars and ribbons at WW). Okay, so it didn't seem like a lot, but as the weeks went by my weigh-in card became filled with stars and my fridge was covered with ribbons. I tried to stop thinking about "goal" and kept my mind on the short-term.

    Mind you, after losing over 100lbs. things have pretty much slowed to a stop over the past two years and these last 20-25lbs. don't seem to want to budge, but when I think about that first meeting and remember how overwhelming and impossible it all seemed, I want to yell to everybody to always look at it as a work in progress and to remember that all those "little" losses add up in no time (next thing you know your pants are practically falling off!)

    As for scales, my home ones always differed from the WW by up to 4lbs., so I tried to rely solely on the WW ones - reasoning that even if they weren't totally accurate, at least by only using one set of scales they'd always be consistant.

    Exercise-wise, I started off slowly by walking nightly (an inexpensive and easy form of exercise, for sure). I worked my way from huffing and puffing for one or two blocks up to power-walking with ease for several km. Gradually I got into hiking and now I can't wait for winter to be over so the trails will be open (this from someone who used to consider "exercise" a dirty word!)

    Welcome and good luck - make sure you stick around and keep posting!