Secrets for Success # 24

  • "No matter how busy your day, don't let yourself get in the habit of skipping your workouts. This will start a bad precedent of putting exercise last on your priorities list. The benefits of exercise will make a positive difference in so many other areas of your life. Make it number one! "...Denise Austin

    Don't be your own worst critic. Wipe away those negative thoughts. Be kind to yourself and do something positive.
  • I don't reply to all of your tips for success, but I sure do read all of them! Thanks sooooooo much, they're great....

    This one COMPELLED me to write, it's like it's mean't for me. I've been doing SO good at my exercise, it seems like that's the only reason I'm doing it, LOL. Just because I want to KEEP doing it--- if THAT makes sense.