Process goals

  • I don't want to step on the scale. Right now, I just am not really interested in all the drama, or the guilt, or the celebration over numbers, and especially not the number that flashes into my mind every minute of every day when I am weighing. Maybe I will incorporate the scale again at some point, but I am really, really, really reluctant to do so right now.

    So, my question is this. Do any of you use "process goals?" Right now, I am feeling like I want to make and celebrate goals that are not results-oriented as I re-start my efforts. So, no goals related to scale numbers or pant sizes or measuring tapes or even fitness milestones. Just things like "days on plan," "incorporated new, healthy foods," "figured out ways to be more prepared to have healthy meals on hand," "tracked every calorie for x days," etc.
  • I have done it before in a conscious effort to stop weighing so much, because a bad number after a good week = derailing discouragement. I keep a section of "almost fits" clothes in my closet. Every week, I try them on. It's definitely encouraging when they fit well enough to transfer to the regular rack. I will admit that I do still weigh, but I only weigh twice a month: one week post-cycle and 2 weeks pre-cycle (it evens out to every other week). I always see progress, even if it's small, and that helps me. I need to weigh because if my number stops moving, I need to adjust my exercise and/or eating to get it going again.
  • Quote: Right now, I just am not really interested in all the drama, or the guilt, or the celebration over numbers.
    I'm telling you, from my point of view, you just won the internet! lol

    It's SO TRUE!!! drama, guilt, celebration, repeat! it's ENDLESS and sorry to people do it faithfully every day, POINTLESS

    weight fluctuates, sometimes a little sometimes 5 lbs in a day! it can drive you BONKERS!!!!

    I absolutely adhere to the "eat the best you can, don't eat too much sugar or treats, get up off your a$$ as much as possible in a day, be happy and LAUGH" philosophy of getting weight off.

    I haven't been on a scale in about 9 months, and I know I weigh less than ever. I have a pair of slacks, there's absolutely ZERO stretch or give in them. If I gain 5 lbs., I swear they'd split off me Hulk-style. I try them on every Friday after work, it's a benchmark for how much fun I can have on the weekend but it WORKS! I've put those stupid pants every Friday night for 2 years!!!
  • I have a process goal right now, which is to stay away from my Big 3 compulsive-eating foods (see my sig) for two months. Right now I'm on Day 41. I feel so good about this: it feels like a real achievement! I keep track by drawing big zeroes on the days of a wall calendar. Every ten days I write the number of days inside the zero. When I get to 60 days, I may allow myself one indulgence in sweets, but probably I won't. Probably I'll just start on another 60 days.

    As for the scale, mine is down a steep flight of steps in the basement of our house, so I find it easy to avoid. I go down there once a month and weigh myself. Then I update the graph on the fridge, my numbers for 3FC, and my ticker. Once a month works for me.
  • Exercise 5 to 7 days a week. Been doing it since I started this all at the end of February. Recently started couch to 10K, and for me that's a real motivation to get my bum out of bed at 5 a.m. three days a week. Now that it's dark and cold in the morning, I find it harder to get up and walk. But the becoming a runner over the next 16 weeks goal really motivates me.
  • Thank you so much for your support. I did step on the scale today just because I wanted to have a "starting point." I have still successfully maintained a loss of 40 pounds for almost a year. I am thrilled about that. Progress on a lifetime goal.

    Trazey, I love your Friday night pants plan. That's beyond cool. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate the refreshing idea that it can be fun to eat a little more, or a little less wisely. For years, I have been stuck in the cycle of always feeling bad about eating unless I am strictly on plan. I remember you from when you were still 300 pounds. You were an inspiration then. And you certainly are now.

    Darwin, I think you're on to something. I think I'm just going to create a schedule, and then a mini-reward system for following that schedule a specific percentage of the time.

    Fiona, cookies, candy, and donuts are my bane. I don't know if I'm ready for total abstinence yet, but maybe a modified version of it.

    Rebelle - I love the idea of tracking to control for hormones. And yes - GO US!

    And Frances - I so completely agree with you. The scale makes me completely bonkers sometimes. A good result = incredibly high expectation, and then even good results can be interpreted as bad results.
  • I did a set of process goals when I reached a plateau during my loss of 90 pounds (which I almost regained all of it a couple of years later). I had lost about 30, and basically hit a huge wall. I tried changing up a lot of stuff and seeing that number on the scale not budge for months left me discouraged and down. I then decided not to worry about the scale for a while and instead focus on completing my food log every day, making sure I did my exercises at least 4 days a week, and that I drank the amount of water that I needed every day. By focusing on those three things, the weight started coming off. I still refused to weigh myself, but several months later when none of my clothes fit even with a belt, I weighed in, and was pleasantly surprised to find I had dropped another 30 lbs. I kept my focus on those three things with weighing in after I felt comfortable to do so and eventually lost a total of 93 pounds and kept it off for almost two years!
  • I think this is a great idea. Wish I had the willpower to stop weighing in, although I have found that when I stop I tend to gain... sort of an 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality I guess.

    But I definitely try to put the focus on other things... I celebrate when I have tracked my calories, and I saw someone else was keeping a countdown since the last time she binged. I think that is a phenomenal idea! And Trazey I love the pants idea!
  • Maybe I should try process goals, my current philosophy of "oh well, I'm doomed to be fat" isn't working...