wearing something different today..to make myself feel better

  • Hi

    I'd been feeling down about the numbers on my scale, so I decided to make myself feel better in another way. I tried on an outfit I wore years ago, and it fits! It's size 18/20. It's a one piece top/shorts outift, but its' knee length. This is a big deal, cause I've been wearing skirts down practically to my ankles for the past few years. It ties in the back, so I show my small (well in proportion to my hips, anyway!) waist. I finally have decent calves after exercising, so I'm going to show them!

    I know this probably sounds stupid, but it made me feel better this morning. The scale still has not moved to lose those darn 2.5 pound gained. I'm making a big deal over having moved from 217 to 219.5. 217 was my weight when I got pregnant, and I was so excited to get back there. I went from 217 to 234 with pregnancy, and lost weight after Matthew's birth from postpartum depression. I went down to 206 from all the anxiety. Once I went on medication, I gained fifty pounds! So I'm really trying hard to get under that pregnancy weight!

    Take care,
  • Sherry,

    It's not stupid at all!! Good for you!! It helps to find encouragement in things other than the numbers on the scale. That's hard to remember, but that's exactly what you're doing. You should be proud of yourself!
  • As women, how we look it tied to how we feel a lot of the time. I doubt Matt & Si have ever asked their friends, "Does my *** look fat in these jeans?"

    Good for you, Sherry, that is such an awesome feeling.