Anyone Else have back problems?

  • Just thought I'd ask.....figure there had to be others with back problems. I have degenerative disc disease and slipped one of those suckers two years ago. Had epidurals but still have trouble. I think I'm too young to have any, it scares the **** out of me.

    Lost a lot of muscle mass and stamina since I hurt myself. Cardio is tough for me but I do some strength training for my back. Anyone else? It's tough sometimes because I need a day to recover from the gym sometimes....and I had the drugs I have to take - as needed.

    I found the CalMax isn't bad to relax the muscles at night. Better than zonking out on other stuff. Found that I need to take some potassium for leg craps. Any one else got ideas?

    Would be nice to know I'm not the only one. Main docter used to look at me, disgusted, and say, "You need to lose weight. You're too young for this." All I could think, sarcasticallly, was "Ya Think?" - like that was an epiphany?

    Bitter! Table for one! lol.

    Seriously though, if anyone's in the same boat would love to hear what you're doing to improve the situation.

  • Well, I don't have back problems, but I can commiserate because I have a neurological disorder that causes my neck muscles to contract involuntarily (spasm) and twist the **** out of my head. It causes back pain, too, but not to the degree you have, I'm sure.

    I fight it all the time. I do aerobics, stretching, and weight training--driving to the gym is really hard. By the end of the time I exercise, my neck is in pain and my head is all twisted, but I use a lot of ice to numb the muscles.

    I have to lay down for about an hour after I exercise. I also have to lay down periodically during the day to get rid of the pain because sitting, standing, even walking are painful. Muscle relaxants don't work, but if they did I'd be on 'em! But I deal with it, and try not to let it stop me from doing most of the stuff I want to do. And it sounds like you're like that, too. So much with chronic pain is attitude, don't you think?

    My DH drinks skim milk and eats bananas to help his leg cramps. I know bananas have a lot of potassium in them. You might try looking for other low-calorie, potassium-rich foods to add to your diet and see if that helps.

    Get a new doctor--what a creep!
  • I agree - get a new doctor! Although the word I was thinking was a bit stronger than "creep"...
  • i have spinal cord damage and a lot of pain that comes with that. i also have ms and so walk with a cane, and sometimes use wheelchair. i have had physical therapy for my back, which helped, and i keep up with the stretching and physio-ball exercises my p.t. gave me. i use ice on my back, too, after exercising some times, which also helps. good luck with your back problems. i know how frustrating this can be. take care.
  • I've also had back/disk problems. Fortunately they are currently under control. I had one epidural but they werent quite able to get it where they wanted because of arthritis. But it helped some. Then I was regularly doing exercises in warm water at a rehab community wellness program. Somehow that (and having knees replaced) seems to have helped the back problems. Some days I still know I have it but it's not nearly as bad as it was at one time. Good luck.
  • Re: Anyone Else have back problems?
    Originally posted by Young Grasshopper
    Just thought I'd ask.....figure there had to be others with back problems. I have degenerative disc disease and slipped one of those suckers two years ago. Had epidurals but still have trouble. I think I'm too young to have any, it scares the **** out of me.

    Lost a lot of muscle mass and stamina since I hurt myself. Cardio is tough for me but I do some strength training for my back. Anyone else? It's tough sometimes because I need a day to recover from the gym sometimes....and I had the drugs I have to take - as needed.

    I found the CalMax isn't bad to relax the muscles at night. Better than zonking out on other stuff. Found that I need to take some potassium for leg craps. Any one else got ideas?

    Would be nice to know I'm not the only one. Main docter used to look at me, disgusted, and say, "You need to lose weight. You're too young for this." All I could think, sarcasticallly, was "Ya Think?" - like that was an epiphany?

    Bitter! Table for one! lol.

    Seriously though, if anyone's in the same boat would love to hear what you're doing to improve the situation.

    I have the same disease as you, plus arthritis and bone spurs in the spine, I also have arthritis in my knees. I'm only 38.

    Well the main thing we can do is lose the weight and try to build the stomach muscles, this will help strengthen the back. My doctor said NO CARDIO !! No jogging or anything with impact.
    Do some very low impact exercise like richard simmons or go for walks. The best thing really is swimming.

    My doctor told me this about 4+ years ago and I haven't done anything but gain more weight. I too am working on it.

    I am on CAD diet and I've just started taking OMEGA 3 pills for the joints, they say this can help... I figure it can't hurt.

    How about some yoga if you can, some stretching exercise, anything gentle on the body. I believe a little bike riding can't be to bad either.

    Little tip for you on the Charlie Horses... if your laying in bed and you feel them comming on...quicly point your toes to the will instantly feel the cramping stop. This works!!

    Just so you know, It scares me too !!

    Hugs and Kisses, Leenie