Something that bears repeating

  • The person you are to become is always watching the person you are right now. The image you have of yourself tomorrow, depends on the actions you watch yourself take today. The confidence with which you live next month, will be based on the integrity of your actions this past week.

    You can hide and conceal things from just about anyone, but the person you are to become is always watching. And that person's opinion of you will play a major role in your life.

    Will you be proud tomorrow of what you did today? Will your future self find strength in your present actions and attitudes? Will you learn from your mistakes and from your successes? The you of tomorrow is watching, waiting, hoping and depending upon the you of today.

    Live each moment like someone is watching. Because someone is watching, someone who can make you or break you. Live so that the person you become in the future can look back with gratitude and admiration at the person you are right now.
  • That's very profound.

    My addition - the person you are becoming will love you, respect you, admire you, and be utterly grateful to you for believing in yourself enough to go on your weight loss journey.

    I look back at my 370 lb self and I am so GRATEFUL to her for doing what she had to do to get to where I am now. She was so courageous! What she did was so hard!

    I had an inkling, when I started, that one day I would wish I could go back in time and give my 370 lb self the biggest hug I could. And that's so true. She was so brave. I love her.
  • Thank you <3
  • Wonderfully expressed!
  • Nice!
  • Wow. I needed that! I'm going to print it, if that's ok.
  • Well said! Bravo!

    And yes....I needed that.
  • Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing them. We all need that reminder once in a while.
