YES... out of the 290s!

  • Oh yes today is a happy day! I started this journey a week ago at 305 lbs today I am 289 lbs (though it's unofficial since my actual weigh in is Thursday's) I had planned one "cheat day" a week but now idk I really do not want to see that number go up! Everyone share in your scale or nsv victories as well!
  • wow that's awesome!
  • Way to go...and the 280's were the fastest to disappear for me.
  • Wow. Congrats!
  • That's really good. Cheat days never worked for me. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • That is so great. I started on May 6 at 296 and have been hovering at 289 for over a week. I am comforted though one of my weight trackers shows I am still under goal for the month so far.