Hi, new girl here.

  • My name is Megan, I am 20 years old, five foot two, and I weigh 210 pounds. I am here because over the past few years, my self esteem has been going through the floor at a steadily increasing rate. It's painful for me to go outside because I feel like everyone is staring at me because of my weight. I don't feel pretty. Some days I can't even leave the bed, much less the room. I dread having my picture taken, and I am so, so, so, so very envious of my thinner friends. I hate myself for what size jeans I wear and how much I weigh.

    Please help me.

    I don't know where to start. Last night my husband and I went grocery shopping and got fruits and vegetables, vegetarian food, granola bars, etc. I know it's only a small step. I just don't know where to go from here.

    I want to be thin. I want to be beautiful.

    I need help.

    I would be very grateful for any help, advice, tips, pointers, whatever you have. I wouldn't be averse to making new friends either. This journey isn't going to be an easy one.

    Thank you so very much for reading.

    Have a great evening.
  • Welcome Megan! Find a plan you like and stick to it for a few months - you WILL see results. Keep it simple, like adhering to 1800 calories religiously every day. Get used to tracking and measuring your food. Give it a solid go until at least July, and you'll be well on your way.

    Weight loss and gain isn't some epic, impossible, irreversible thing. It is the culmination of the choices we make every day. Make every choice one you think over and mindfully decide to take the healthier path. Day after day those good choices build up and take off that weight you feel in suffocating you in so many ways.

    I'd recommend getting away from the junky food like granola and sticking with whole food - eggs, meat, colorful veggies, whole grains, full fat dairy, cultured products like kefir, kimchee, etc. Prepackaged stuff is not your best bet and it also doesn't teach you the habits (like cooking healthy and packing lunches, etc) that will help you maintain your health in the long term. But a basic, homemade, whole foods diet is a solid foundation to improve yourself, and if you stick to that AND a calorie budget you will get a lot of food for your calories and be filled and nourished. It's a winning combo for most people.

    You can do this, but you must unlearn some bad habits (like eating when you are not hungry) and pick up some good (measuring and portioning food, etc). One choice at a time, you can get this weight under control. I didn't lose eighty pounds through a miracle, I did it through daily work and mindfulness. If I can do it, anyone can!

  • Have you had a check up? Start there. And have them also check for depression, vitamin deficiencies, etc.

    Not being able to leave the bed, much less the room sounds serious. Get it checked out.

    Don't make any changes to diet right now and just food log. Get an idea of where you've been at first can give you clues for where to go next. I used fitday but find whatever you like best. Then after a week or two of just logging, you can overview what you have. What does it tell you?

    Not enough protein? Need a multivitamin? Need more produce? More fiber? Less sodium? Drinking most of your calories rather than eating?

    http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm and other tools on the side might help you fine tune too.

    If self esteem needs work, keep a separate log about your thought process. How do you talk to yourself? When do you catch yourself in negative mode, feeding the bad dog?

    Take it one thing at a time. You don't have to solve everything instantly. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying -- and today for posting! Effort counts!

  • First take stock of where you really are. 210lbs is not that bad - I started out at 270 and am only a few inches taller than you. You're blowing this out of proportion in your mind.

    Second, make sure you have a realistic idea of what it will be like when you are "thin enough" - not just a number, but an image of what you will look like, what kind of clothes you will wear, what kind of habits you will have, because without that loosing all the weight in the world wont make you happy.

    You have an understanding and supportive husband and know how you want to change, that is already more than a lot of people have. Lets start this challenge, journey, transformation or whatever you want to call it from a place of gratitude for what you already have. From there, consider what kind of eating habits you want to adopt. There are numerous threads on this forum where people will champion their favorite method of weight loss and control. Personally I've had more success on low-carb high-protein diets than on reduced calorie or vegetarian diets, but that might be different for you.

    Be patient with yourself - I know its hard, but that is why we're here to listen when it's toughest.

    If a hobbit can overcome the armies of Mordor to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mt. Doom, you sure as **** can get your weight under control
  • re:
    You're already on your way. It sounds like you've made the decision to change, and that's half the battle.

    I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I do. I've been on around 1200 calories a day and log everything I eat. I don't really worry about tracking different stuff like fat or carbs - just calories. For some reason, the logging everything for me is key. There's something powerful about that mentally.

    I'm with a few others that are concerned about not getting out of bed. If you have access to medical care, I would seriously consider talking to your doctor about it. You'd be surprised what they can do for depression now days.
  • Hi Megan and Welcome.
    What I always say is anything you do towards weight loss and becoming healthy is better then what you are doing before you start. Take it slow and do something every day. Go for a walk. Substitute healthier foods in for junk, cut out junk, sugar whatever.just start somewhere and do something.
    Find exercise that you like to do and stick with it. Make weight loss a priority and put yourself first.
    Be gentle with yourself. You won't do this perfectly at first or even when you have been at it awhile. If you go off plan, pick yourself up and restart with the next meal.
    You can do this, you are strong and have taken the first step.
  • Hi Megan! I've moved to a plant-based way of eating too, and it is definitely new territory! Two good things about it: 1. Go a few weeks into it, and your tastes WILL change, however unlikely that seems. 2. If you focus on a plant-based diet (and not junk food), your weight will take care of itself. And you can eat as much as you want (using your head, of course) and never have to weigh your food, count calories or points, keep a log, etc.

    Two suggestions: Read "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. And look for "Happy Herbivore" on Facebook (or HappyHerbivore.com) -- simple, delicious recipes.

    And welcome. This is a great place for support, no matter what method of weight loss you choose.
  • Take baby steps. I dropped 50 pounds by simply eating smaller amounts of foods that I like. Also, don't obsess over your weight. If you think about it all the time you're going to throw in the towel.

    The best advice... keep busy! Find a hobby or something else that will take your mind off of feeling bored. I usually tend to run to the fridge when I'm bored, as do many of us. It's those times when we're not busy when we reach for a bag of chips.
  • Thanks so much for all the responses ladies. I think that's the push I needed to really get into gear.

    Once I familiarize myself with this website more, I will post more. Have a great day, everyone <3

  • I just had to respond because that is where I was at my high weight.

    You CAN do this. Believe that you will be successful and do not let little slipups by you or a mean scale blip discourage you. Everyone here is here to encourage you and help you when you feel frustrated or are having a hard time.

    As far as the plan goes...for me, I needed a nutritionist at the hospital to help me and it was the best thing I ever did. I am a vegetarian (not sure if you are, couldn't tell) and so many veggie protein sources count as carbs and I need to control my carb levels to lose weight (something I've found out after YEARS of unsuccessful weight loss efforts). Not low carb, just LESS carb than many others are eating.
    Also, get moving. Short walks or more activity generally around the house, the yard, etc. will lead you to being able to get into a good exercise routine down the road.

    Good luck and post often!
  • Welcome! You can do this!