What Were/Are Your Excuses?

  • I made a list of the top 10 things I have used as an excuse to stay fat. What are yours?

    If I Stay Fat

    1. If I stay fat I won't have to worry about loose skin. Even if I reached my goal I would still have stretch marks. What's the point if I'm not going to look like a model from a magazine?

    2. If I stay fat I will stay comfortable. I know who I am in my role as a fat girl. I have no idea what it's like to be thin. What would I be like?

    3. If I stay fat then I don't have to spend as much money on healthy food.

    4. If I stay fat then no one will expect anything from me.

    5. If I stay fat then I have a reason why I don't let people in. It's easier for me to say others don't like me because I'm fat instead of finding out they don't like me just because I'm me.

    6. If I stay fat then I don't have to worry about my lifestyle changes leaving my husband behind. What if we ended up divorced?

    7. If I stay fat then I can keep eating all that junk food. Everyone else does, why can't I? All the time?

    8. If I stay fat than I can blame my weight for why I'm not successful in other areas of my life, like my dreams, ambitions, career, friendships, etc.

    9. If I stay fat then I don't have to worry about being seen as too attractive and getting a lot of unwanted attention.

    10. If I stay fat then everyone will see all the pain I feel inside - on the outside.
  • Good list
  • Wow thats a powerful list!
  • Mine are short.

    1) I stay fat because I don't exercise and keep up with a food log to the degree I need to manage my PCOS/IR.

    2) I don't exercise, because I don't make the time.

    3) I don't make the time because I dislike the times I DO have easily available, and rather than suck it up and accept that my fav times for exercise are blocked out by other things in Life I cannot control (ex: work) I pretend like ALL my time is blocked up my other things in Life I cannot control.

    Lame, huh? That's about it. And I'm trying to change all that.

  • Wow, many of those things are thing that I am afraid of too.

    My list is similar.

    1. I am fat because I am scared of the loose skin.
    2. I am scared of the back handed compliments I might get.
    3. I am scared of it simply because it is different.
    4. I don't have to worry about attention from men, or being in the spotlight too much.
    5. Its an excuse to not do things I don't want to do.
    6. I like food and I can eat whatever I want if I stay this way.

    Even with all these excuses, none of them are good enough to stay this way though.
  • I have so many excuses...

    -I can always lose weight later.
    -I just want to eat like a normal person.
    -I have to work this evening, so I don't want to exercise and wear myself out before I go.
    -I've had a hard week/day/hour so I deserve a pizza!
    -I've always been fat; that's how I'm supposed to be.
    -I can't easily afford new clothes when mine no longer fit and it will be a hassle to get my wedding rings re-sized.
    -I don't want the attention that comes with losing weight.
    -Losing weight is hard; I'm not strong enough to succeed.
    -If I lose weight, I'll just gain it back.
    -If I succeed, I'll no longer have my weight to hide behind.

  • None. Never had any. I fought this weight tooth and nail all the way up. It simply never clicked with me that I needed calorie counting, commitment and a heavy dose of patience.