Happy Dance Happy Dance

  • I was at the family reunion this summer and realized that big arms are my heritage. I say this because even the skinny women in the family have big arms. Usually I have to purchase a jacket a size up for my arms. One of my co workers brought me some clothes on Friday and there was a size 14 suit in the clothes. I tried the suit on and my arms fit really well. I wasn't sure it would work but it did. I was happy but I decided to go to the store on Saturday and try on a size 14 suit with the jacket and it fit. I will do new stuff cause no one has worn it until it stretches a little. I was so excited that my arms are not looking like fat girl thighs. That's what they looked like in January this year. I'm still getting used to everything being and looking smaller. I can't remember being this small since Jr High when I wore a size 13. Holy Cow, I'm about to be as small as I was in Jr High...DUUUUUDE!!

    oh yea!!

  • I am doing the happy dance with you because this is exciting! My arms are the biggest part of me. I can wear one to two sizes smaller in sleeveless clothing. Size 14 is wonderful! IMHO, size 14 is normal and I want to be normal!

    Way to go!
  • Congrats!
  • i feel the same way about my thighs. i'm smaller, but as i keep going i think i'll be able to see muscle soon.
    starting to feel normal too! this part is so fun. this is what i dreamed about for so long. looking healthier when i visit family. getting rid of clothes that are too big or bc i don't like them. i don't have to wear it, bc it's the only thing that fits!

    so happy for you!
  • jigglefree, it is good to see you again. And congratulations - this is great news!!
  • Yeah! What a great feeling! One of my OMG moments was going to the doctor and having the nurse pull out the big BP cuff from a separate drawer. I was absolutely mortified. So having smaller arms has been a huge accomplishment for me and I am SO beyond proud of my biceps!
  • Awesome , its a great feeling! Congrats!
  • Way to go!
  • How wonderful for you - congratulations!
  • Ya'll make me so wonderful!! I am so excited that I can wear a 14!!