Nsv- C25k

  • I have a huge NSV. I FINALLY finished C25K yesterday!!! Ok let's not mention that it was my 6th (well technically 7th) attempt, but I actually actually finished! I am one of the physically laziest people I know, I hate to sweat and pant, I tend to quit things that get uncomfortable, but I did it. I can jog/run for 30minutes straight (probably longer!)

    Am I running 5km in 30minutes, huge NO! I'm running super slowly but I'm running (ok maybe more accurately, jogging) and I don't hate it. I actually get that high when I'm done, like I've accomplished something. I don't look forward to the runs per se, but I DO look forward to the feeling I get afterwards, that's what makes me want to continue.

    Honestly if I can do it, anyone can! Next I'm going to try and work on increasing my speed I'm so excited about running and getting better and stronger at it now.
  • That is so awesome! I'm plugging away on c25k too, and it's not easy, no matter how you slice it! You should be very proud!

    You know, the first few weeks KILLED me, until a runner friend told me that if I was getting winded like that, I was running too fast, and just to slow down, get the endurance to run a length of time, THEN work on increasing speed. So I run slow like you but you're so smart to do that!!
  • I'm doing C25K also, and I got the slow route too. Congrats on finishing, I love to hear from people that finished so I know that it's possible. I'd love to hear from you as you work on increasing your speed, I plan to go through at my slow pace and then work on increasing speed too. Once again, congrats to you on your awesome accomplishment!
  • I am also working on c25k, have only completed 2 days so far but am very committed. I would be pleased as punch to be running a 10 minute mile, which you are if you complete the 5k in 30 minutes. If you lumped that together 4+ times you would have run a half marathon in just over two hours. I think that is pretty awesome for a former coucher. Best of luck to you as you move forward.
  • Thanks so much everyone. I ran both Saturday and Sunday because I was soooo excited it was the last day, I couldn't wait till today.

    Like I said it IS doable. I quit 6 times (after the 20minute run) because I felt like it just wasn't doable but this time I made it. I'd love to be able to run a 10 minute mile too some day (right now it seems impossible, but in July, so did running for 30mins straight). Y'all will work it I know! You CAN do it!

    My plan is to go back to running intervals to build speed (as opposed to one single 30-minute run).