I'm Back and new weighin....

  • I have come back after being away for awhile(which I mentioned in the "Missing..." post.

    I weighed myself this morning and was actually surprised a little. I said in my reply to the "Missing..." post that I probably was up to my starting weight....well I am not all the way up there...I am at 262lbs which is only 1lbs more than I was when I weighed in on August 6. I will continue to weigh-in but I will do so again on Tuesdays like I did before.

    Anyhow I am back, if I do happen to go missing again can someone please email me at [email protected] and give me that kick in the butt I need....Thanx
  • Hey Jen!
    I am glad you checked in with us. I know how hard it is to have to say I havent been doing well on the weight loss front. Its hard to admit to yourself and to others as well. I am sorry you have had a lot of stress lately. I know its easy to say dont turn to food when you have stress but it's hard to actually DO this!! I hope things get better soon. We are here for you and if you need some butt kicking, I am sure we have some ladies who are good at it!
    take care and keep checking in!!
  • Thank you so much Laura. I am hoping that maybe for exercise I can get one of those exercise balls. I think that would be a riot...also then my daughter can roll around on her ball she has too and she would love it.
  • Glad to see your back Jen! Been wondering where everyone has been off too. I apparently have no life and have to live through others! hehe