NSV: PAP down, ultra sound to go...

  • Probably a strange sounding NSV, but I got my PAP out of my hair this morning. I already did Dentist last month.

    I have labs/ultrasound Monday to check my ovaries since I have PCOS. Then I just have the endoc to do and I'm done with my visits til the dentist rolls around again.

    Yay! Anyone else getting those "well woman" visits out of the way for 2010?

  • My joyful yearly is coming up next Thursday. I looked at the calendar last month and said "*Sigh* It's nearly March again" and scheduled my appointment. You have to stay healthy!
  • I am so overdue for a pap. I hate them so much. I have a male doctor too. Sigh......I guess I should make a appointment. Boo Hiss!
  • Yes I have them out of the way. Yay! It was nice to not get a pamphlet about benefits of losing weight.
  • Okay...so after responding to this post.....I hummed and hawed and then called and made a appointment for next week. UGH!
    But it must be done. Thank you for the kick in the pants.