lab work results NSV

  • When I started on my new healthy eating plan on 11/2/09 (not a diet because it doesn't have an end point!), I happened to also have a doctor's appt scheduled, although the two were not directly related.

    However, it was definitely a wake up call when I found out my fasting glucose level was slightly elevated - 108 when it should be below 100, and that was enough for my doctor to say I was pre-diabetic. While I had been on my plan for a week by the time I saw my doctor (the blood work was done on 11/4), that was sure great incentive to make sure I *stayed* on plan. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant, and my mom was diagnosed with Type 2 a few years ago, so I knew my risk factors were already very high.

    Well, I'm pleased to report that my blood work done on 1/30/10 had me back down in to normal range - 97. And while my lipid panel was already fine, with everything in the normal range, I've now brought my total cholesterol down to 160 and triglycerides to 117. Nice to know that my inside really are benefitting from what I'm doing, along with the outside!
  • Terrific! That is wonderful news. You are really doing your body good. keep up the great work.
  • YAY! Good work. My lab result NSVs are always my favorites.
  • I just squee'd for you That is so much awesomeness! What a GREAT THING you are doing for your health!!!
  • Woo hoo! It's nice to see how much your hard work is paying off.
  • That's awesome!
  • yah!! Fantastic!!
  • This is bigger than the scale ever could be! Super big YEAH!!!
  • thanks everyone!!
  • That's wonderful. It's one of the other benefits of healthful eating.