NSV: A compliment from my husband

  • My husband is not very good at compliments. He gives them out only occasionally and if I probe for one, he never gives in - he says it's his way of making sure the ones he does give mean something. It's more than a little irritating, but also a little endearing.

    This morning I walked into his office and while chatting made a comment about the pants I was wearing being too big. He said "well yeah, you're getting smaller." I laughed and said I thought he hadn't noticed and he responded "What do you mean I haven't noticed? I've noticed - is your wedding dress too big now?"

    Considering my next mini goal is for my wedding dress to be too big (I'm a little over five pounds away from that goal) and I hadn't even told him that, I was pretty much beaming from his comment. It probably doesn't sound like much, but to know that he's noticing means so much to me. I figured since he saw me everyday he wouldn't really see the changes for quite a while longer, and I'm beyond happy that he already has.

    Sorry to ramble - I just wanted to share my giddiness!
  • awww! That is a nice nsv!!!!
  • thats awesome! I'm proud of you! and proud of your husband for being attentive (i think its hard for men...)

    Go You!
  • yay!! i bet that felt so awesome :] congrats!
  • Wow, what a great nsv! And on the amount you've lost so far. What a huge inspiration.

    On a side note: that wedding dress might fit you now. I have a dress that I know I was 10 lbs lighter in the last time I wore it. But tried it on recently and it zipped right up and looked fabulous! So you might be at your wedding dress goal right now and not even know it!
  • That's awesome! ...It's nice to know that he can see all the hard work you are putting into yourself. Nice NSV...
  • what a sweetie! I'm happy for you, for hubby and the weight loss!