So proud of myself!!!

  • So last weekend was very stressful, and I'm still deeling with its repercusions(sp?)...I wont go into it, but it has not been good. Through everything that went down on saturday night, I didn't touch the chocolate chip cookies that had been served as a dessert. I didnt reach for the potato chips left from the pre-dinner snackage...and then last night when I was at my gym no less, my step mom opened a box of Ghiradeli (sp?) chocolate squares, both dark and milk chocolate squares. I didn't reach for any of the candy. Instead I grabbed a multi grain energy bar, for a total of 130 calories. I felt very proud of my self for that. I am usually an emotional eater, and with all the stress, I was suprised that I didnt eat any chocolate. Also, last week I deciced that just for laughs I would go shopping and see if I've gone down a size. And I can wear a 22 now! Down one more size. So excited. I'm holding off on buying new jeans till I lose another 3.5 pounds as a treat for myself. Just wanted to share my warm fuzzy feeling!
  • That's great!
  • Bravo!

    Last week was incredibly stressful for me too--and I didn't resist at all--so MAJOR KUDOS to you, chickie!
  • Yay you!!
  • Great job girl!
  • That is a major accomplishment! GREAT!
  • That is great! Keep it up.
  • That is HUGE! Awesome accomplishment!
  • Thank you all very much. Now I just have to resist birthday cake for the next week. My step mom's B-day is today, my dad's is tomorrow, and my sister's is on monday...wish me luck.
  • Great Job!
    Just keep that same focus through the b-days and you will be rewarded again.
  • Good job! Way to go!
  • Good for you!!!
  • YOUR SUCCESS with a pair of new jeans. This is so much about changing habits and you are doing awesome!!
  • Way to go!!