Offical 1st Week Done... A lifetime to go

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  • Amazing first week and they build on one another.
  • Quote: A lifetime of:

    Towels that wrap around you.
    Cutting your toenails easily.
    Fitting into every booth and amusement park ride.
    Trying on cute clothes and they fit.
    Walking up a couple of flights of stairs without losing your breath.
    Being excited when a friend posts FB pictures of an event you attended.
    Being in the picture instead of always taking the pictures.
    Enjoying shopping for bridesmaid dresses - sleeveless, BRING IT
    Yearly checkups where the doctor goes on and on about your excellent numbers and calls in his assistant to look at your numbers (no joke, happened to me!)
    Feeling energetic
    Catching sight of yourself in the mirror and thinking "wow, who's that slender person?"
    Swimsuits (okay, still a nightmare for me, but better! really!)
    Keeping up with friends on a walk
    Going to the hairdresser and getting the same smock as everyone else (at my top weight, I got a "green" smock, I was horrified when I realized it was the + size smock, unlike the black regular ones, definitely a bad memory!)
    Shopping for an important event and having lots of choices
    I'm seriously going to print this out! Great list!