I'm going out for dinner tonight...

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  • We're going to a "going away" party for a good friend tonight at a pub. I've been wondering for about a week what I could eat. I was not willing to make it a free or treat meal. So my wonderful husband phoned today and asked if we could get a take out menu. Well they don't do take out but when Jeff explained that his wife was on a limited (lol) menu plan they OFFERED to print me out a menu! He went and picked it up today for me

    So tonight I'm having a Clubhouse sandwich on Rye. No mayo or butter. No bacon. Mustard, lettuce, tomato, grilled chicken. And a side green salad with Italian dressing on the side. It's about 440 calories. Just right for dinner!!!
  • You really are rockin' this weight loss thing! Congrats on planning ahead AND not being willing to use it as a free day. I've had a few too many free days and think your 63lbs of weightloss is a good testament to just sticking with the plan!!

    Have a fun night!

    PS your husband sounds like a very nice man!
  • Ohh, that sounds reallly good. Isn't it great when you can eat delicious things and it doesn't have to be a "free food" or OP? That was awesome of your hubby, and good job on the planning! ^^
  • That is so great that you were able to plan ahead like that - I sometimes go online before hand (if they have that option available) but I don't think I would have thought about getting a menu (very smart!). Your husband gets a big thumbs up too...

    Your dinner sounds really good too!

    Hope you really enjoy yourself this evening!
  • Awww give Dh a hug for being so supportive! Everyone is right, it was smart to think ahead and not just give in. Good job
  • Have fun and enjoy your meal. It will be so much more pleasurable not having to worry about what to eat. There have been several times I have not planned ahead and ended up in a restaurant and freaked out over what to do. Good on ya and good on your supportive hubby!
  • That's great!

    I spontaneously went out for Chinese food with a friend tonight - I have a hard time estimating calories for what I had so I'm pretty sure I overestimated a bit and still came under budget for the day. Doesn't it just feel great to be able to go out to eat and not be derailed?

    Your husband gets a big thumbs up for his part, btw!
  • I'm back!

    It was FUN time Me and six boys lol!

    I ended up changing the "on rye" to sourdough before I left. I FORGOT that clubhouses come with 3 slices of bread! So I took the middle one out They also send my sandwich WITH mayo so I sent it back. It was soooo good though.

    I had two cups of peppermint tea, two large glasses of ice water with lemon and one bite of my husbands pizza. No derailment here! It was awesome!
  • Fantastic Job!! Your hubby sounds like a gem! Planning is crucial to me...I would have done the same thing. Way to go!!!
  • Good job. I always try to go online and find a menu before I go out. If I can't find one I just wing it by looking up calories of thing I know they have. I use http://www.calorieking.com/ for that. I'm glad your husband is trying to help you, that makes it nice to have support. A lot of times it backfires for us. We can be best helpers or best tempters at our house.
  • Good job staying on plan! I love that more and more restaurants have nutritional info online. It definitely helps me to have a game plan ahead of time. Otherwise, I get way too tempted browsing the menu.
  • You did awesome! Planning DOES pay off!

    Is sourdough better than rye? Calorie wise, I mean...
  • It was a bit less calories than the rye. I SHOULD have had the rye but I have not had white bread in soooo long that it was my splurge to myself
  • now that's what i call initiative! good job on planning! go girl!

  • Great job for planning

    ps your dh sounds like a very nice man!