Will you stay on plan for thanksgiving?

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  • With my Halloween Goal in site, (2 pounds to go!!!) I have started thinking about Thanksgiving. I know what my goal will be and I am sure a post will go up soon, but I was wondering?

    Will you eat what you want on Thanksgiving or will you be careful and stay on plan? I don't know what I will do. Just wondering where you gals stand before I make a decision.
  • I think I will eat what I like but in moderation... no heaping plate or second helpings.
  • For me being "on plan" includes making allowances for things like Thanksgiving. So ... um ... both?

    I kinda posted about this in another thread on T'giving but basically I'm not stressing out about it. I'll eat all of my favorites on the day, but I won't gorge or pig out like I used to. I'll have a piece of pie and some stuffing with gravy, but I'll eat more turkey and veggies first and have those things as treats instead of heaping my plate with them. I plan to enjoy T'giving day and not make it a bigger deal than I should ... for me it's just another day and another set of decisions to make about what's healthy and what's not.

  • What Photo said. My "plan" for lifetime maintenance allows me the indulgence of special days. When I ate a cupcake on my birthday, I considered that to be "on plan". This Thanksgiving, I'll eat less just because I CAN'T eat as much as I used to, but I will certainly still indulge more than usual..
  • Ditto what Photo and mandalinn said.
  • Well, not sure what I will be doing on thanksgiving but no matter what, I'll be cooking whatever I eat so yes it will be 'on plan'.
  • Quote: Well, not sure what I will be doing on thanksgiving but no matter what, I'll be cooking whatever I eat so yes it will be 'on plan'.
    I really like your mottos Nellie!
  • Well, there are Thanksgiving foods that I will eat that are not part of my normal eating routine, but that's life.

    What I am not going to do is stuff my face until I can't move. I will have small portions of tasty stuff. And then make sure I am back on track for Black Friday.

    I also am signed up to run a 5K Turkey Trot that morning, so I will already have my exercise done for the day!
  • I am planning to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner - one plate, one piece of pie. Just one meal, the rest of the day will be as usual and I am not going to take any leftovers home.

    I'm going to enjoy all my "once a year" favorites though - mashed potatoes and stuffing with gravy, cranberries, sweet potato casserole (my mom's recipe with the pecan/brown sugar/butter topping), pumpkin pie with cool whip.
  • I will eat more food, more fat and more sugar than usual . But I won't stuff myself and I won't eat things that aren't fabulous. And I won't make the holiday a week long. I won't feel any guilt. I will focus on family more than food, they are the real value. The end.
  • i'm planning on enjoying the holiday with my family! as far as eating goes, i plan on letting myself eat, just making sure it is in moderation and not over the top! my family makes some KILLER dressing that we only get once a year, i can't pass that up! i'll just have to eat a little less of it this year and fill my plate with white turkey and veggies! i know that i will go over my ww points that day, but i also know that it is one day and it will not completely derail me!
  • I will be visiting my brother in Las Vegas which is the buffet capital of the world. Since it is just the two of us, if we stay in town, we will be eating at a restaurant. If we go out of town it will be the same. The way I am looking at it, is if I am hungry, I will eat until I am satisfied. I don't like pumpkin pie so I won't worry about that. I think one serving of turkey, dressing, mashed taters, a roll, a bit of cranberry stuff, will be fine. If I have room for dessert, a couple of bites of something sweet will be OK.
  • I've been planning for Thanksgiving to be my 'metabolic boost' day for quite a while now. I will have been on track for six weeks by then, and on 20 carbs a day for that whole time, my body will need the boost to remind itself it's not starving... plus, thinking about all those yummy carbs I'll get in just a few more weeks really helps when I'm tempted to have them now... so far, so good!
  • Quote: I've been planning for Thanksgiving to be my 'metabolic boost' day for quite a while now. I will have been on track for six weeks by then, and on 20 carbs a day for that whole time, my body will need the boost to remind itself it's not starving... plus, thinking about all those yummy carbs I'll get in just a few more weeks really helps when I'm tempted to have them now... so far, so good!
    I am also doing low carb (5 - 10) a day, and I can't wait for potatos with gravy and a hot buttered roll and APPLE PIE!!!!

    Hurry Thanksgiving, Hurry!!!
  • I've been on low carb for 4+ years, I treat holdidays & birthdays like any other day... on plan The beauty of low carb is, there are so many delicious foods, you don't ever have to feel like you're deprived. Turkey, faux mashed potatoes, veggies, cranberries, even pumpkin pie with real whipped cream!!!