Good morning!

  • Just wanted to come in and tell all of you hi! We got back from our vacation last Tuesday evening. It has been busy since we got back. We have this next door neighbor that started flipping out before we left. He ended up getting arrested last Friday for threatening to kill us. He was arrested but was bailed out that same night. We had to get protection orders against him Monday. Since then, he has been having his family threaten us and the police say that they are not breaking the law so we dont get out for walks at this point.
  • Wow - that's horrible. What is his problem? I would hate to have to live like that. Becareful.

  • Scoobie - that is scary! Do you have a video camera? Start videoing any contact with the neighbors, so you can document everything that goes on. The police need proof before they do anything, so you will have to take those matters into your own hands.

  • I agree with fiberlover, every word and/or gesture from anyone should be recorded or documented at the very least.
  • Jeez! that is scary scoobie and sorry you and your family has to go thru this. I agree with others you need to start documenting everything and possibly invest in motion sensor lights and video camera. I can't imagine living like this. Please be careful. Does he have any mental problems? Or does he think you guys did something? Why are him and his family behaving like this? weird!!