How can you tell if an orange has gone bad?

  • I've had em a while, but want to have em with my ham sandwich. Is there a way to tell if they have gone bad?
  • When they are bad they usually are really hard or mushy and look wrinkled. Sometimes they get white mold on the outside.
  • Quote: When they are bad they usually are really hard or mushy and look wrinkled. Sometimes they get white mold on the outside.
    man, i hope they don't make me sick, cause I ate them. They were not overly hard or soft, but the skin was kinda white and peeled away really easily...
  • If the outside seems okay, then I can tell by the texture inside. Older ones seem devoid of juiciness and have lost most of their taste (and probably most of their nutrients).
  • Bad oranges smell musty and taste off/tart. I think you would have known it.
  • I would also assume you're fine. Most fruit that isn't obviously bad (moldy,etc) will taste bad long before it will make you sick.
  • Yep, I agree. A bad orange is pretty obviously bad. Dry and icky or mushy and winey tasting.
    I'm sure you're fine
  • Yeah...I dont think you will get sick. I tend to leave my oranges out for WAY too long and eat them...hehe. They are usually not really juicy.

    Famograham -I recently tried a blood tasted like wine. Maybe they were bad or is that how they are suppose to taste??
  • Nope...blood oranges should taste like oranges...sorry!!!

  • Check it for a criminal record! Run it through the DMV!

    Sorry - just struck me funny this morning!