Weekly Weigh in Week of 12/31

  • Hi,

    Okay, guess I'll start this off. It has been a long while. Do you usually start on Monday's date?

    I weighed in yesterday:


    At least I maintained the same weight all last year. That must count for something!

    Take care,
  • 242.4
  • I was the same on Monday...which is fine with me. I still lost 7 lb. in December, when I normally gain about that if not more.
  • Lost 2.4 last week. Food wasn't that great but I had the week off and exercised my little heart out.

    Time to battle my way into the 170's.
  • I don't have a scale. but I take my meassure ments.
  • I'm starting off with 253.5
  • I am down two pounds - I haven't weighed for two weeks. It's now 219.

    I lost 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years Day - first time in my life I haven't gained weight during that time.
  • Beverly, that is fantastic!!!

    Take care,
  • Hi all,
    Haven't posted in a very long while, ( love this site, don't know why I drifted away from it. I have gained 25 lbs since last I posted. So, here goes, 269 lb. ( deep sigh...) . I HAVE to lose this, I look at some of you folks who have been able to lose and keep it off, and am totally envious... I hope to keep trying.
  • *bump*
  • Hmm, I am at 264. The biggest number I've ever seen on the scale (altho thanks to an old scale that was generous with numbers not my highest ever). Phew! Now to lose it! It's also been a while since I've been around here.. too long perhaps! Look forward to posting LOTS in here!
